Oracle vm virtualbox extension pack 5.0
Oracle vm virtualbox extension pack 5.0

oracle vm virtualbox extension pack 5.0

With the Oracle version you do not even need to download the extension pack, you can do downloading and installing in a single step from inside the VB manager.īTW (just to be complete): After adding yourself to the vboxusers group you have log off and back into your account to make this effective. Avoid the adventure, removing the repo version costs you a minute or so (less time than posting here), all your virtual machines stay untouched. I never tried to replace the repo version with the Oracle download version (how should I if I do not use the repo version), so I cannot tell you if this gives trouble or not. Remove 5.0.2 and install 5.0.14 (or even better 4.3.36, because more stable). I could give you the download link for the extension pack for 5.0.2, but that would be a bad idea, therefor I don't want to. To be honest, it is IMHO a bad idea to add VB5 to the repositories and than freeze the version. The start of VB5 was (as usual with this software) trouble-rich.the current version is 5.0.14 (you see the difference) and that does not mean new features, but few bugs. I write it again and again: VB is definitely an exception to the rule to only install from the repositories.

Oracle vm virtualbox extension pack 5.0