Viber call application
Viber call application

The highest financial gain is reported while using roaming.įar from every Viber user thinks about the fact that this app serves not only as a near-free-of-charge means of communication, but also is an actual device tracker, since it stores a lot of user data, such as the following: complete correspondence history, current GPS location data, log of incoming and outgoing calls, lists of saved contacts, as well as received and sent photos and video files. This high popularity is due to the advantage of reducing expenditures related to cellular carriers' services, since its user needs to pay only for incoming and outgoing Internet traffic. This messenger has recently become so popular that when it comes to smartphone, tablet or PC users almost one in two of them use it for online communication. Viber is one of the most sought-after cross-platform messenger apps allowing instant exchange of free messages and files, as well as making calls. For the most secure hacking of Viber account, our developers implemented a unique code on remote server. This method eliminates all identification-related potential risks, as well as a great number of moral and ethical issues. The main advantage of AppMessenger consists in the fact that there is no need to prepare and configure a target device, regardless of its type (phone, tablet, or PC) and the platform installed on the device (Android, iOS, Windows, or OS X). To this very emulator an archive will be transferred containing the following: target's text chat, current GPS location of the device, sent and received photos/videos, the log of incoming and outgoing calls, and the full list of saved contacts. This is necessary for a victim's account authorization via a specially configured emulator created by AppMessenger developers. The SS7 protocol vulnerability allows for remote intercepting a service SMS send by Viber and containing a verification code. That’s the only way you can compete.Viber Online Hacker through the Exploit of SS7 Protocol. If you want to compete with Viber like application, you need to integrate unique, the most-demanding features in your application. We will be happy to discuss with you on your app idea once we have the basic information.

viber call application viber call application

Deployment & Testing on Dev & Live Server Operations with Contact List and Broadcast GroupsĢ2. Android considered as 120% of iOS developmentġ1.

Viber call application